Cookie policy


The data controller is OILTECH S.R.L., with registered office in Via Caviglia, 3 – 20139 MILANO (MI).

Pursuant to the Provision of the Guarantor of 8 May 2014, Directive 2002/58 / EC as amended by Directive 2009/136 EC and art. 13 of European Regulation no. 2016/679 / EU, all website operators are required to inform users if, when and which cookies are used, and to obtain the consent of users to the use of these cookies.

Please read this policy carefully to find out which cookies are used and what information is collected in this context on the website

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that the websites visited send to the user’s terminal (computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet), wherethey are stored. The information contained in cookies generally refers to the number of pages visited, the language, the place from which the user accesses, the frequency and repetitiveness of visits, the duration of visits, the browser or the positive Dis through which you connect.

Cookies allow the operator of the website to store and retrieve such information on the user’s browsing habits or on the Device from which he accesses in general anonymously and, depending on the information they contain, if the user has previously registered, to recognize him as a user or customer.

What cookies does this site use?

This website uses technical cookies, i.e. cookies which are necessary for the proper functioning of the website. Cookies in this category include both persistent cookies and session cookies:

  • Persistent. Once the browser is closed they are not destroyed but remain until a preset expiration date;
  • Session. They are destroyed every time the browser is closed.

In the absence of such cookies, the site or some portions of it may not work properly. Therefore, they are always used, regardless of the user’s preferences.

Cookies of this category are always sent from our domain.

In addition to technical cookies, analytical cookies are also used, which are used to optimize the contents and elements of the website without collecting any personal information from users whose IP address data is recorded anonymously. This information is collected through Google Analytics, Google’s free tool.
These cookies, since they are processed anonymously, do not require the express consent of the user.

The website does not use profiling cookies, i.e. cookies that allow you to record the behavior and preferences of a user expressed during the use of the website in order to send advertising messages inlea with his profile.

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